
Marketing 3.0 philip kotler
Marketing 3.0 philip kotler

If "Marketing 1.0" was a product-focused enterprise born of the Industrial Revolution, and "Marketing 2.0" was a customer-focused effort leveraging insights gained from information technology, then Kotler says marketing's latest incarnation must do even more. This "new wave" technology also presents opportunities for marketers to engage consumers as individuals whose needs extend beyond mere material goods - and as actors who want a bigger say in how and what a company produces, to ensure better outcomes for themselves and for society. Three forces - cheap computers and mobile phones, low-cost Internet access and open-source software - are driving this shift, Kotler writes, and have fostered a "values-driven," networked world in which collaboration is easy and ubiquitous. Kotler's book explores the changes that are cultivating a more enlightened sort of marketing, one whose powers are being enlisted to help solve urgent problems. Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing, whose 47th book, Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit (Wiley), offers practitioners a framework for thriving in this emerging environment. They also have heightened expectations of business and its potential to improve the world, according to Philip Kotler, the S.C.

marketing 3.0 philip kotler

In fact, it had better try, since people now invest more of their minds, hearts and spirits in their commercial lives.

Marketing 3.0 philip kotler